Thread: Hiv/aids
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Old 04-27-07, 03:19 PM   #5
Rastafari Walk Tall
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Posts: 4,527
From: East London, (Hackney)

Originally Posted by Tha .Q
According to the latest figures, the majority of all new Aids cases in the United States are diagnosed to African Americans. This creates a problem, a conundrum for me.

Blacks are still the minority in this country. In fact, there are now more Hispanics living in the United States than blacks. And, whites still make up over 70% of the population. So, how is it that black people "develop" Aids more than any other race group?

Here's what I think. Aids isn't a virus at all. Aids/HIV is a figment CREATED due to the diagnosis of certain symptoms. They even say it. "Aids is an opportunistic diseases." What we're talking about here is a suppression of the immune system. And, it is documented that Black people in the United States suffer from more chronic illnesses than whites.

So, this begs the following question: Why do more blacks "contract" HIV than whites?

We all know what allegedly spreads HIV--i.e., unprotected sex, intraveinous drug use, etc. So, are they telling me that whites don't share needles? Are they telling me that whites don't have risky forms of sex? Are they telling me that blacks are sooooo irresponsible and wreckless, that they contract HIV more than any other race group in this country?


The suppression of the immune system is what brings about characteristics of the FIGMENT they call HIV. It has not been proven that HV/AIDS is caused by a virus at all. It one of the biggest hoaxes to even hit mankind. And, it's also been shown that certain foods can boost/bolster the immune system so as to virtually elimnate the "detection" of HIV in the body.

Foods such as:

Brazil nuts (contains selenium) and cocoanut oil have been shown to "cure" Aids.

How? Aids doesn't kill you. OTHER things kill you due to a suppressed immune system.

Also, pharmaceutical companies don't want people well. That's why the FDA refuses to legazlie holistic treatments such as OZONE therapy or H2O2 therapy, which is shown to cure AIDS in other countries. If people no longer needed meds, then, billion dollar industries would collapse.

Why are blacks "contracting" Aids more than white?

Stress. Unfair society...continued degradation in a country where being called a NIGGER is the joke of the country club. be truthful, whites, being the majority in the U.S., have just as much unprotected sex and use needles like blacks.


APEXX...can I get an AMEN brotha?

Im in my third year of a Bsc Honours Medical Degree and I n I is by no means an expert on this part, but i KNOW 75% of this post is bullshit. I am also black and somewhat militant when it comes to issues concerining babylon etc etc and matters affecting blacks, but this is so far from scientific fact and truth its ridiculous.

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