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Old 04-27-07, 05:57 PM   #1
Pushin it....
Cola's Avatar
Posts: 7,966
From: Round tha way
Ideology of Realativity


Ok....i dont know if this is a true method of living...but its the way i've become since i've been alive

You never have to care about ne thing, becuase the value of things is nothing. You can enjoy things while they are around, but if they are have no sense of belonging to them so it makes no difference. You happiness will be found in something else. Money is not an issue, becuase it holds no value in your eyes. Either do women. the only people i care about is family/close freinds. By doing this, sadness and any type of downing feeling is almost impossible, i do what i want whenever i want n enjoy doing it. Becuase no one can ever tell me what to do again. If i died tommorow i' would die happy. Would i die with a small doubt in my mind? yes, that i never was a dad to a son. Becasuse i never had a dad...n that would be the peak in my life. Having a son.

This is my way of living....whats your guys philosphy on life??
Originally Posted by Lysol
But Eminem is the best.

Destroyin Tricks on the Daily

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