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Old 04-27-07, 06:48 PM   #10
I have a lot to learn...
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Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Originally Posted by Aphillyate
how is free will an illison?

Because wtf are people even doing? Free will is just people getting all anal about life. Think about it, is it possible to do anything at all other than what you do? Free will is like people saying "I want to do this, but I want to be able to do that instead of this if I want to." It's useless.

And where does free will get people? Say a kid is going well at school, with bright hopes for the future. In 30 years, let's say he has an office job at a large company. He hates his job, has an average wife, an average car, kids, an average house, and about 20-30 years to live. He didn't want to be where he was, he wanted so much more out of life but somehow ended up pushing papers and living a boring life. In fact, his dream was to become a pilot, but he didn't get high enough grades to attend aeronautics school and was forced into commerce/marketing.

He had free will, but he doesn't seem very free to me. He made every decision in his life, based on his free will, and look where it got him. And this isn't even a good argument for free will being an illusion.

Mainly it's because your will is shaped by your surroundings and a whole bunch of other shit. What is the purpose of free will, anyway? I'm not saying our will is constrained or something, btw.
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