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Old 03-12-03, 12:30 AM   #44
Finesse Streetz
Posts: n/a

It's a lot of yall niccas yapping saying 50 is just nice. Fuck that!! 50 is tha hottest now and will be all year. If you look at it statistically, 50 will be around for a long ass time. When a rapper goes 3xs platinum in like 1 month, he will be around for a while. A long while. Example, Nelly(Overrated). He sold 8 million copies of Country Grammar, 2 million with Free City, and I believe about 5 million of Nellyville. He never changed styles, but kept his record sales.

50 is tha next biggest thing. I honestly believe that in about 5 years there will be no more JayZ, Nelly, Ja Fool, anybody. Even Em will have to share his space. 50 is like tha next Pac, I hate to say it too. I think if 50 stays focused, he will be bigger than Pac and Biggie(Tha Greatest). I give 50 atleast 5 years in tha game.

Now overrated, ofcourse Nelly, B.G., Ja Fool, and some other lame niccas. But Cannibus? Ha, he's not even rated. That bitch ass scrub of a rapper. I heard his album sales match tha number of chances Saddam Hussein has in beating tha US in a war. About 0!!!!!!
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