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Old 05-04-07, 04:56 PM   #3
Banned: Biting
Posts: 1,289

as i ryde in my car thinking about my past history
i think how did i let these pussy get to me
i've been on a lean like that tower from itatly
and been turning down hoes who been trying to get with me
im tierd of these lonely days while there is a rageing war
feel like i cant help out, and now a day i look at the arabic different on the corner stores
my hand pouring out blood like open sours
from shoting an inacent by-stander i never saw before
but hes face look like the enemy
i bet peep are glad but cops chaseing waiting till i fuck up to put an end to me
i never slip up, then again why did i shot him?
bush should send out cops in all areas for this arabic war an recruit them
i bet none of they own kind will die cuz they wont want to shot them
bullets i'll never cherp, bet the nex-el-tell wont.... so now we gotta BOOST'em
but if all go's wrong they'll have more power then before
our own tanks missle and guns point at our wifys parents and son's
its wise thats its apprent we run, dispise the lifes that's burried and done
seem like this shit i'll never end, then again why did it start
all because a few disagreement and peep skeeming claiming its smart
we just all falling apart to rebuild, to bad we can rebuild the killed that MANGLE
thats why everyday i look at this pic in hope god i'll send us an ANGLE.......

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