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Old 05-05-07, 12:22 AM   #27
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Originally Posted by Past Tense
LOL man why would I take advice from someone who says LIFE IS NO PURPOSE

you sound like a depressed emo kid who needs to get out of the house

personally what you say has no take on me

I know what I beleive in and I will beleive in it till I die. If you think i am going to get hurt off of what a couple of kids say on a site then yoru mistaken.

Life does have no purpose. Well it does have one, but that is beyond the point and it doesn't have one in the way you are thinking.

What if I am a depressed emo kid who needs to get out of the house? You should love me, like your God told you to. You should have turned your other cheek instead of getting defensive. You also should have at least tried to understand the message of your apparent savior and the means by which he saved you and everyone else instead of parading around like an idiot listening to Christian music and wearing religion like it was the latest, most fashionable clothing accessory. But you already knew that, and you'll know it until you die, right?

I wish what I said did affect you, that's why I'm being so harsh to you. Maybe if it did affect you, you would finally realize that you have no idea what you're doing at all and are a complete fool, and I would be able to help you find real happiness.
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