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Old 05-09-07, 07:37 PM   #4
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Originally Posted by Compose
^whats the secret lol

OK fine. The secret is that you can have a really great life by letting go of the past and the future.

Take for example, death. What is so bad about dying? Nothing, you'll just drop dead. The problem is we are dragging a past behind us, all of our memories and relationships and whatever else. All that is going to be gone, but isn't it gone already? People get really upset thinking about the past sometimes. It's depressing.

And the future is no better. Sure, there is hope for happiness in the future, but contemplating the future is so depressing as well. Say you're having a dope weekend, but you have to go to work on monday. For a lot of people that would make them feel negative. And on monday morning, you'll be lying in bed thinking about all of the boring, mundane things you're going to have to do and getting all down in the dumps... When in reality you're just lying in bed.

There is a Taoist trick that says; "simply live now, and there will be no problems." Every day is a good day if you live in the moment. Things just happen in the universe, there is no meaning or direction to things. Flowers bloom, people do this and that. It's just how it is. When you truly realize this, it's a great relief.

I know somebody is going to say "Oh yeah, but if you just live in the moment you'll be a useless lump of flesh doing nothing at all, going around like an idiot accomplishing nothing in the world. Who cares if it's meaningless, you should still do something while you're alive. You don't even appreciate life."

But that isn't true. Once you see the truth about everything, it's a relief because all of your problems just fly out the window forever. There is no such thing as a bad day or anything. After you've really seen it, you can begin to play around with the past and future connections again, only now you see through them and they can't bother you anymore. You can do whatever you want, have enormous fun anticipating the future and remembering the past, just playing this fun game of life until whatever.
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