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Old 05-15-07, 01:53 AM   #1
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO
Motherfuck Robert Horry.


If you like basketball then you know what I'm talking about. Amare and Diaw may be suspended for the next game because of that stupid fucking faggot. If the Suns don't have those two guys then they won't win, which is bullshit because they're the better team. If Horry wasn't such a fucking punk and just fouled like everybody else does there wouldn't be a problem. But no, he couldn't just keep it to a slap on the arm, he had to fucking body check Nash into the scoreboard. Thanks a lot, asshole. Amare and Diaw come off the bench and they may get suspended for that? Are you fucking serious? If the NBA doesn't follow the referee's lead and decides that they don't want to shove the shaft up the Sun's ass this series then I'll bet $100 that the Suns SMASH the Spurs on Wednesday. Of course, the NBA will probably suspend Horry, Diaw and Amare and the Suns will lose on Wednesday and probably lose the series too.

This series is such bullshit. The referee's hanging on the Spur's nuts, even the fucking announcers are hanging on the Spur's jock strap (if you watched the game today you know what I'm saying), and the Spurs playing dirty as shit (Nash gets kicked in the ball sack, Bowen tries to injure Amare, Horry body checks Nash, etc. etc.). Fuck this shit.
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