Thread: Identity
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Old 05-16-07, 08:17 PM   #20
Posts: 2,653

Originally Posted by Terumoto
I am just worried, I question whether all you really need IS a relationship with God. Do you feel at peace most of the time, or do you still suffer and struggle for things in this world? A relationship with God is something that you already have, nothing you can do can improve or ruin your relationship, it's just there. YOU can't do anything, you are completely helpless. Realize that (I think you may have already) and you have an easy, fun life ahead of you.

So was your whole point of this thread to frown upon the Christian religion? Or was the question actually the whole point of the thread?

Now I like the fact that you said you shouldn't believe what people TELL you or what they TEACH you. But the part that I disagree with you about is the whole relationship with God.

I speak for myself when I say that YES all I need is a relationship with God and I AM happy. No things aren't always easy but that comes with anything in life. Things will NEVER run smoothly. And that's not what a relationship with God entails for you. Nobody ever said "Have a relationship with God and be free of any problem in the world".

How can you yourself speak of something if you have yet to experience it?

And Yes you can improve relationships. Just like in any other relationship, you must spend time with the person on the opposite end. Wether that is by praying, or reading His Word, or even by meditating upon it. It strengthens the relationship. When we pray we talk to God, when we read the Bible he speaks to us. And that is how we improve our relationship with God.

I don't know if I started to go off topic, but let me know if I did. And I'm no smart wiz guy. I just have some knowledge about what I believe in.
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