Thread: Identity
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Old 05-17-07, 12:54 PM   #27
Posts: 2,653

Originally Posted by Terumoto
What is it you have to do to be saved? I'm sure you've heard the answer to that a million times. Is it DOING anything? Is it going to church, reading the bible, being a Christian, giving to the poor, not judging anybody, forgiving others or turning the other cheek? Of course it isn't. It's nothing. You don't have to do anything, to be saved all you have to do is accept the fact that you are saved. You're already saved, you think there is something you can do so that "God" will love you more or less than the next man? You are viewing a relationship with a force that you don't understand in the same way you view a relationship with another human being.


You bring up a lot of interesting points. One being the relationship and the other being salvation.

Now I'll get to the relationship a bit later cause I have to head out to class.

As for salvation, it is a FREE gift. Being that Christ died for our sins and we didn't have to do anything for that. According to the Bible we do NOT automatically recieve this gift of salvations.

Romans 10:9 says "That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

So with that being said, there IS something you must do in order to recieve salvation.

Originally Posted by TERUMOTO
I don't get what it is with people, they think they need to work hard and do all these things and then finally obtain their reward because of their efforts. They can't accept the fact that it is easy as pie to receive salvation. I guess that's what makes it so hard

As for that, there is no need to do all these "good works" in order to recieve salvation. That I agree with. It is simply Romans 10:9.

And that after Romans 10:9 the passages that Past Tense posted come into play.
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