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Old 05-22-07, 07:50 AM   #14
Banned: Biting
Posts: 1,289

lol..... this mother fucker dont give up do he???

its like should i beat'em up stab'em or shot'em
this mother fucker wont die... he should join the army and let me recrut'em
screw'em he'll learn to give up like bernard after winky's right
smash he's grill.. atless that can be hes exscuse why it hurt to think an write
i cant go any more easyer on you.. you cool me off when im trying to warm up
i actully gave him a WINDOW of oppatunity.. an he complains the door-shut
he's useing R&B singers in hes bars you can tell this bitch sweet
you couldnt be above me if you was standing 10 feet
you could run around me with ya arms out and u still couldnt daze me
rizo da god in a crew NEVER... cuz in this garden of eve im the rose u'll never get pick like a daisy... mother fuckah...

and i aint even trying no more...
it aint no fun beating up a herb... lol..
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