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Old 06-04-07, 07:57 AM   #20
Banned: Biting
Posts: 1,289

i've been thinking that A LONG FUCKING TIME AGO....

k.stubbs going to have like 4 or 5 people eleminated..
yet have a shit load of new comers keep joing everyday...
then when i wanted to join hes other tournament he kept on saying no...
then i had to really bitch at him cuz i saw MAD NEW HEADS THAT HAVE LIKE 8 post JOING THE OTHER TOURNEMENT I WAS LIKE WTF??

hes a homo...
who only wants hes buddys from RB come and join hes stupid ass tournement and shit on people who been here since day one on R.V and dont go to no other site....

gayist moding i've ever witness...
witht he most confussing rules of all time...

a champion should of been won plus a runner up....
you had 16 to start...
and should of kept thous 16 and found a winner....
not add like 6 new heads after poeple got records of 3-0 and a few been eleminated..
shit WTF?