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Old 06-10-07, 02:24 PM   #6
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

the soul is the seat of the mind

so, yes...

IT's that and your emotions

So I guess all those parts on the mind that produce emotions and all the chemicals are just a random light show in your mind and actually have nothing to do with it. Because that immeasurable thing inside of your body does it, right? Come on, Q, step off the fucking Dark Ages bullshit. It's like saying that emotions come straight from the heart. It's funny how you make claims to be a scientific christian only when it coincides with your beliefs. You'll look at science when it comes to evolution which is compatible with god, and you'll look at it when it says Jesus was black. But when you have something like the soul, which you take as anything more than a possible metaphor for the writers of the Bible to explain away the complexities of the human mind, you're just being a fucking dumbshit.

The reason the mind feels separate from the body is because the mind is the source of all mental reactions and the body is a complex mannequin that allows you to support the brain. It IS separate from the body, that's why when, say, you look out of your eyes you feel as if your 'soul' is trapped. The body is a car and the brain is the driver, and your eyes are the windshield.

Occam's Razor. There's no need whatsoever to introduce the soul, an untestable, unobservable and unnecessary thing people made up thousands of years ago when they thought the brain was a lump of grey intestines in your head. Staying on this shit is like refusing to believe in Copernicus and Galileo and saying that the sun revolves around the Earth because you're not being slung around when the Earth rotates, and the sun moves across the sky.
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