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Old 06-11-07, 04:13 PM   #1
Posts: 1,882
From: cNY

You obviously are lost.
You haven't realized the most important fact.
This man is defending tooth and nail his viewpoint on life and creation.
He is writing and fighting stubbornly without really having a real conversation about the subject.
But, there is one important thing you need to realize.
That this man is indeed an Atheist concerning the existence of a god.
But he is also part of a religion itself.
He is a part of the Scientific religion.
These scientists will destroy any other opposing ideas.
And if any ideas that are unexplainable to them comes up, then they will ignore it or change the subject...
It is almost the same as Christianity or any other religion except those groups have adopted the idea of faith to explain what they can't.
Being the way science is constructed(solely on facts and nothing else) they can't adopt a term such as "faith", so the only way they can react is through violence and being stubborn (Which is how societies that are based on science react to things as well.)

I agree that science can go along with faith.
But I myself am agnostic as well though I also believe in the Christian moral system.

do your research.

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