Thread: I was invited
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Old 06-12-07, 05:23 AM   #6
I have a lot to learn...
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From: Life.

Originally Posted by Past Tense
Why was I invited? Good question. I did a tv interview a while back with a ministry around my way. Am I a preacher or a priest? No. They must have seen something in me obviously since they invited me to Iraq. Why Do you get so defensive when ever someone talks about doing things like this? How do you know what I speak is not truth?

I don't question whether they really asked you, who would make up something like that? I mean the truth as in the true teachings of the Bible.

Going to Iraq, you would obviously be giving the sermon to the troops. So what are you meant to say to them? It looks kind of odd the church sending support for soldiers at war. Some of those troops are fucked, I've seen videos. They kill people like it's a sport. Are you going to tell them they are sinners and they had better repent and be truly sorry and do their best not to kill anymore? Or are you going to tell them that God is on their side and will give them strength to achieve their goals?

If it's the latter... "Fight for Allah! Kill the infidels!" is basically the same thing, but they probably look down on Islam.

Anyway my point is don't think that by going there and telling them what they want to hear you are doing anybody a good service... God, them, yourself, anybody.
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