Thread: I was invited
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Old 06-12-07, 06:30 AM   #8
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Originally Posted by Past Tense
God created war for a reason. The bible is clearly not against war. I think before you become blatantly so against something you should at least study it instead of just scratching the surface. There is such thing as murdering righteously. Do you not recall when Moses cousin was denying the truth and denying moses having any sort of power. He had the earth gobble up his cousin. Is there a purpose for the war in Iraq? I don't know I don't pay attention. I try to keep to myself. Is this a great opportunity? yes. Being a Christian or a "pastor" isn't all about telling everyone they're doing wrong. It's about showing love and treating everyone the same. That's one of the reasons I stopped going to church. Everyone expected me to be perfect. Not me, I'm never going to be perfect and I had to find a ministry and a group of people who understood that. I've found that. I make mistakes and stumble all the time. That's normal. This life wasn't meant to try to be perfect. It is meant to truly become blessed. That's really all I have to say about it. I can't beat around the bush.

God didn't create war. That's ridiculous. "On the 347293847th day, God created a game where everything he has ever stood for goes out the window and murder is allowed, but ONLY for selfish reasons that will affect more than one person. It was good." Bullshit lmao.

The bible is clearly not against war? Of course a portion of it isn't against war. I am blatantly against war, yes. Before you become completely confused about something you apparently believe in, you should do some study as well. The bible isn't one book, it is the combination of many books. The most pure teachings of the bible are extracted from the times when Jesus' actions or direct speech are recorded. The old testament is old. So is a lot of other stuff. Allow me to elaborate.

The person who wrote that story about Moses was talking about something different to what Jesus was talking about. Do you really think that event happened? If so, why aren't loyal Christians going around getting God to engulf people who question their beliefs into the earth? Zues was a God that could throw bolts of lightning. I see bolts of lightning sometimes, that story at least has some merit. What I don't see is people getting engulfed by the earth. Zues is obviously a false God. The guy who wrote about Moses is obviously a bit of an exaggerator.

There is a purpose for the war in Iraq. It is greedy businessmen looking for money, sinister leaders looking for power, and vengeful idiots looking for revenge. Awesome war! Yeah! Christians should definitely support that.

I know Christianity isn't about telling everyone they're doing wrong. I know it's about love of the most pure kind, demonstrated by Jesus who loved everyone and was an all around dope dude. He taught that sins should be forgiven, that you should be passive instead of aggressive because things in this world don't matter, he taught that riches and material wealth are meaningless and that tranquility and gentleness should be shown towards everybody no matter who they are. Whether your enemies, diseased outcasts, fools, poor people, people with power, everyone is equal and should be loved and forgiven indefinitely.

I know that. That's what Jesus' teachings are. Jesus, your God, the MAIN guy in your religion teaches those things. So the guys at the other end of the war aren't included in that? They don't matter and you can murder them righteously? Kill people because of a war started by a selfish man that wants land, oil, money, power or whatever it is that gives him his gay little control trip? A bunch of meatheads with guns shooting down the "enemy" are killing righteously because they are fighting for the purposes mentioned above? Those selfish, dirty, disgusting reasons for war? You consider those legitimate?

I hate to be so harsh, but I'm trying to help you see something which will in the long run be better for you. You, my friend, are a complete dumbass of epic proportions. "LOL moses made the earth swallow a guy who challenged his fat ego, so murder is OK! It doesnt matter if its in the ten commandments, or if the rest of the teachings of the bible say that murder is not OK and forgiveness and love are the way to go! LOL war is cool! It MUST be for good motives, I mean, mass murder, hatred, suffering and everything else that comes with war MUST be fine by God! I don't need to question or even know the motives of the war, ill just keep to myself and have an idiotic opinion based on nothing that I believe wholeheartedly! Yeah! Christianity is about love! THats a fun thing to say that makes me look cool and nice! LOL murder murder, war is good, support the war blindly ! I love being part of a community that has an equally as fucked up and twisted idea of religion and morals as I do! Im not perfect anyway so it doesnt matter! jajaja! Kill the infidels! Preach to the murderers because the idiot leader of a christian group thinks that is what christianity is about! Surely he must know better than me, he wears different clothes, I will definitely allow myself to follow his idiocy like a sheep! LOL!"

Dude, get a clue... You fail. -_-
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