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Old 06-12-07, 10:59 AM   #7
Logic The Goonie
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From: So. Killa Kali

Originally Posted by Crazy Hades
The definition of a religon =/= destroying other view points

What are they supposed to say, 'Almighty Science did it'? And I don't know what two retarded children in scientist uniforms you're talking about, but you're pulling supposed facts out of your ass, like, say, stating things like they try and ignore the unexplainable. Excuse me? If something unexplainable that comes up, they try to address it, and if they're big enough they may get a Noble Prize for it. I'm sure they're going to pass that up because scientists are all minions of a grand conspiracy that follow their great Book of Scientific Viewpoint that says if you don't agree with everything in it you'll burn forever in a chamber of malfunctioning computers and live wires.

Science isn't always right, period. There are things science can't explain or haven't explained yet, period.

Now tell me I'm wrong, please.

Saying "Science will be able to prove everything at some point." is the equivalent of faith in my book. It EASILY sounds like "Religion doesn't define a true meaning of life, but once we die we will find out."

At LEAST religion gives it's followers a chance of living a life of wonder trying to communicate and grow and come into touch with themselves and everything around them. All I've seen science do is ask why we'd want to do such a thing.

Track of the week:
Keith Murray - Nobody Do It Better
I rocked bells with L, SON!

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