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Old 06-12-07, 11:38 AM   #9
Logic The Goonie
I can rap and stuff.
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From: So. Killa Kali

Originally Posted by Terumoto
Science isn't always right, period. There are things science can't explain or haven't explained yet, period.

Religion isn't always right, period. There are things religion can't explain or are shit at explaining, period.

There. Same shit. Of course there is the unknown, that is the basis of life. That is what all of religion points to, is the big hole in our knowledge. We can study particles, and molecules, and atoms, and neutrons, protons and electrons, saying that that is what everything is made of. We will probably go even deeper in the future and discover what the smallest shit is made of. But to be honest, that doesn't explain a thing. They can explain how the particles move, and that they are made of whatever... But underlying that is a big WTF. Why are they moving, why are they there, why does everything happen... No matter how deep you go you can't answer that.

In my opinion the realest religions are Buddhism (zen and chan) and Taoism. I believe in them wholeheartedly. What they tell me isn't hard to believe. Basically, condensed into a single statement, it's:

"You want to know things? You'll never know. Give up and you'll save yourself a lot of grief. btw, here is how to attain contentment and true happiness, if you want it. *sits down comfortably in a scenic location and has a smoke* I love the vibe of cats and flowers, among other things lol."

That is seriously what it essentially is.

edit: Oh, I forgot to say that in my experience, studying these kinds of philosophical schools made it easier for me to understand the true message of most other religions ESPECIALLY christianity.

I understand and agree completely.

What seems to keep getting lost here is that I'm posting not because I disagree with what's being said, but more often how it's being said and presented. Like, I'm not trying to represent the opposing side, but offer it. That's how I've been posting in most of these threads lately. I don't mind if people disagree with something, as long as they're doing it for the right reasons.

Track of the week:
Keith Murray - Nobody Do It Better
I rocked bells with L, SON!

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