Thread: I was invited
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Old 06-12-07, 07:28 PM   #12
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Who cares? I certainly don't give a shit that wars have been recorded in a bunch of old books, and apparently been called God's will.

Did you even read that page? It says exactly what I am saying to you. The first thing it says below all of those links is:

Just a few of the dozens of wars in the OT, as lessons for good Christians, the soldiers of Christ... from them, Jesus changed the whole strategy of War for the Christians: No War at all in the Gospels!... the answer of a Christian to any war at home or in the street or between nations or against terrorism is "to put the other cheek" of Mat.5:39... Christianity and War

And just trust in Jesus!... it is His war... He will deliver... “vengeance is mine,”, says the Lord (Rom.12:19)... yu just do your best, without violence, and Jesus will do the rest... it is the formula that never fails.

The Christian should act the way Jesus told Peter: Put your sword back in its place", because Jesus will bring the sword, Jesus will take care of you (Mat.26:52).

What the Christian has to do?:
Just trust in Jesus, and do the little things a Christian should do, like the servants in the Cana wedding of Jn.2: To put the "water" when what is needed is "wine"... to love the enemy, to pray for him, to serve, to help him to go to Heaven... just "water"... and Jesus will do the miracle, the "water" of defeat will be converted into the "wine" of victory...and the best victory!.
Do your bests and then trust in God, it is the formula that never fails.
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