Thread: I was invited
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Old 06-12-07, 11:56 PM   #14
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

Shut the fuck up Past Tense. Terumoto destroyed you, so shut your mouth. You're a blind follower being spoonfed by society and you think you have a point. You pick out the stupidest, littlest fucking things in a post and address only those, completely ignoring the undeniable facts because if you were to acknowledge them you would show everyone beyond any shadow of a doubt you know you are wrong.

Pray that an angel comes and kills one hundred and eighty thousand Muslims in one night. Deliver a Eucharist and blast those toiletpaper-heads to death! Pray for David to hit Osama in the head with a sling. No wonder you were on television, you have the same delusional, closed-eared mindset that will someday make you a TV evangelist.

Go on. Deliver a fucking Eucharist. Because I'm sure America has God on its side, because, well, everyone knows Jesus loves America and the money-hungry war leaders who get it off to displays of their own power. Or do you think that George Bush is your angel? Or is he the reincarnation of Esther?

And now you plan on delivering your twisted opinions to soldiers in Iraq who, desperate for some way to save themselves, will latch on to your FUCKED philosophies. Maybe you should do some soul searching and questioning about how ridiculous your fucking opinions are before you go around molding vulnerable minds. Sounds to me like you're doing the same Osama did to Muhammed's word.

Realize this, dumbshit: God was on the side of those wars because those were his followers in the Old Testament. Allah is almost the exact same thing as the Old Testament God, though perhaps more forgiving. The New Testament God promotes peace. To you, Jesus' sacrifice is superficial; you think your understanding of it is deep because you have this big realization he sacrificed himself to cleanse your sins, and you ignore the MESSAGE behind it, and not just one of the major reasons for it. Why would God be on America's side?
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