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Old 06-17-07, 07:30 PM   #36
Posts: 1,882
From: cNY

I'm going to save my money up in order to buy 50-150 acres of land for myself, preferably near a creek or river. I am also going to college for outdoor studies (herbology, native american studies, etc). Then hopefully I will be able to build that little plot of land into a healthy and self-sustaining community for me, my family and a few of my close knit friends.
I am almost thinking about just skipping school becuase of how highly unnecessary it is. I mean, if you are into speeding up the crash of civilization, participating in this culture of control and death, and just becoming a shiny little cog in this civilizations meat grinder then I guess it wouldn't be a waste of time. But I am hoping to get a sustainable living condition outside so that I am not participating in society.

Fasten your seat belts.
It's going to be a bumpy crash.

Oh, a little off subject, but I agree with the "Stop the War" but the Yellow Ribbon isn't the equivalent to a swastika. They don't drape huge yellow ribbons around to show "patriotism" they drape huge american flags across sky scrapers... and the last time I saw an action like that used to herd civilians into a "kill'em all" frenzy was from a video I saw in History class. Hitler steps up to the podium and the crowd cheers.. They simmer down a little and then two Nazi flags unravel on each side of his podium and the crowd bursts into applause and screaming.
I see what you could be saying though, fits perfectly.

do your research.

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