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Old 06-18-07, 05:34 PM   #1
Whys That?
Posts: 2,007
Think you know about studio gear?


[ I currently have a M Audio Interface fast track pro worth 450, a Rode Mic worth 500, All my sound is running through a kenwood stereo speakers using a lineout through my Sound Blaster sound card then running the stereo on Aux, what more could I do with to up my general quality and control over the music, Im looking at getting pro tools 7 just for studio compatablity and obviously upgrading from fool edit, is there any other rack gear that I should get to add to my control over vocals and mastering? Does it matter to much that Im running the stereo speakers or should I get other form of speakers?
oh yeh and my computer is a Intel Pentium 2.41 GHZ with 1G of Ram]

Or am I asking the wrong site all together?
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