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Old 06-18-07, 11:37 PM   #31
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

If you want someone to take the side of Christianity, or better yet the bible, I actually believe in a lot of that book. Mostly the new testament though. If you are trying to find truth in the bible you have to take everything in it with a grain of salt and weed out the bullshit. There is stuff in there that is completely stupid, and there is stuff in there that is 100% on the mark. For example, a lot of the stories in the old testament can be found in other religions only with different characters and shit, but basically the same. And by other religions I mean ancient religions, ancient Egyptian mythology and stuff like that. The stories in the bible are just the middle eastern version of that, and God is portrayed in a completely different way than he is in other parts of the bible.

And there is also the endless pages of crap with no meaning that people desperately try to find meaning in. "And you shall have a son, and you will call him Isaac. And his son shall be named Nathaniel. When his son is born, it shall be named Ezekiel, who will have a son and call him Micah. And his son will be given the name Joseph, and Joseph will found a country and call it Aramathea, because of its wide and vast space. In that country Joseph will have six sons born of two different women, and blah blah blah etc." It's a bunch of useless tripe that was for some reason retained.

Anyway Jesus was the main guy who knew what he was on about in the bible. I do believe he was the son of God, although I do not 100% believe in the circumstances surrounding his birth and death. If I was a religious leader in charge of that kind of shit hundreds or thousands of years ago, that would be the first thing I would fabricate. It was most likely an attempt to entice people into listening to what Jesus has to say. His miracles may also not be true, in the literal sense, but a lot can be taken from them. An idiot would consider his miracles literal, and just sort of be awed by them and go "Oh wow, Jesus was really amazing," instead of learning something. "Turning water into wine," "raising the dead," "curing the blind." From my point of view the meaning of those stories is not that Jesus was a magician, it is the deeper meaning that can be applied to our existence.
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