Thread: Being There
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Old 06-21-07, 07:34 AM   #1
Light Weight
Posts: 298
Being There



Soar when fighting but poor writing
take my strength away can’t be
A Super hero if I’m a trooper with
zero victories I wanna paint the sea
With whale blood and prevail a thug
in the form of a shark, storm with art
And calm the dark like vampires from
warm campfires in search of folks
Stay ready to write need a steady light
to shine on my notebook my quotes
Look good now like Steven King I’m
receiving bling for notes made about
movies, my devastation can reach people
that vacation on the beach stuff vital and
brave like a tidal wave wash shores of nations
Got a life code divine and sometime foolishness
load my mind situations happens my stamina
grows dim like a camera with overexposed film
Can’t take pitures of the fake scriptures I hear,
try stay above an enclosed rim Like TUPAC
best to only read true art that’s the only way to
get ahead Or step wild like a reptile get ate by
the jungle, really hate to rumble misled many
suspicious mammals and vicious animal in society
I best stop on red like traffic do and get a graphic
view before the head on collision with problems
Dawg, got a serious code and plans solid like a load
of sand highway brick involve them Too this could
build an ill road of guilt, be a thrill to explode the filth
within my head by using dynamite then I can drink wine
at night and relax and grin // Sleep under bold linen and
few old women have laid in my bed Aad persuade my head
to have complex sex afterward their kotex bled
Ethical and prudent like a medical student work
hard just to graduate if bad fate comes my way it
could be a dumb day best not to exaggerate
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