Thread: Ruined...
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Old 06-22-07, 06:52 AM   #41
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Personally, I wouldn't identify with the person who made this thread any longer.

While I do agree that over my life, the things that I was told were important and focused on were of little real value, in retrospect they could not have been the "wrong" thing for me to learn, since in learning them I learned that I needed to learn something else and was not learning something directly important.

btw Q, Jesus was hammered into my brain/life since childhood, in completely the wrong way, and he didn't belong there. Religion was one of the wrong things I was talking about. I don't agree with fucking up kids heads by telling them something you believe is true, even if they haven't made up their own minds yet. Shit like that is one of the primary causes for Christians (and members of other religions) being mindless drones who don't know anything about what they believe past bible stories and verses, and their misshaped view on salvation, God and how they should be living.

It has become a necessary evil in society though, doing something like that, since kids are generally treated badly. In a hostile world, surrounded by hostile people, children need something like the idea of God loving them. I have actually carried out an experiment that relates to this on a 10 year old boy that was raised as a Christian, in which I destroyed his world by more or less proving to him that what he thought about God and life was wrong. After that I gave him a list of things to keep an eye out for in life, basically pieces of knowledge for him to use as tools to rebuild his shattered world view. That was about eight to ten months ago. At this time, that boy once again believes in God and Jesus and is one of the happiest, down to earth children I know, he can answer any questions I throw at him about what he thinks and his views on the universe and life are better than most adults'. I would consider him wise. At school, he does not distinguish between the validity of his views and the views of other children, or even the teachers, he considers himself a human being on the same level as everybody else. I know his parents, and at first they were worried about his behavior, but now they say he seems better than he has ever been. Of course, I told him not to tell anybody about anything I said to him.

I just wish everybody would be real with their kids from the start, so they didn't turn out to be such annoying idiots when they get to middle/high school.
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