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Old 06-23-07, 08:26 PM   #1
Posts: 6,909
From: Chicago, IL
Resident Evil 4 is the biggest peice of crap I have ever played

IP: @ this

I went to gamestop today and decided to pick up resident evil 4. It got OUTRAGIOUSLY great reviews so I was pretty excited to play it. I'm a hugggeee silent hill fan. Silent hill is an extremly scary game with a really engaging storyline. Resident evil has always been known for action so this felt like a different kind of horror, a fast paced, "BOO!" type of horror. Opposed to silent hill's "OMFGGGG GET ME OUT OF HERE, wtf is that WHAT THE FUCK is that, .....what happened to my flashlight, whats that breathing nosie?" horror. So I pop it in and realised it wasnt nearly as good as i expected to be, actually it was alot WORST than i expected it to be. Browsing through the gamefaqs reveiw forum I finally found a review that feels exactly like I do. PLEASE read this.

Dont bitch and moan in my thread unless u read that

"At least the past Resident Evil games had stuff flying out at the player. Here, you know what to expect in every area and around every corner; more villagers to shoot with the mandatory boss scene in-between. The game isn't scary however there's a strange almost indescribable feeling. However I think I've pinpointed or come close to describing what this is exactly.

The feeling the game exudes is one of hate. That is, the game itself seems to be sending a message of hate towards the player. This subtle inexplicable feeling presides over much of the game. Don't confuse it with fear; the game just really hates the player. It's noticeable in the constant barrage of villagers who have no care for their own lives (and only attack you, yes. 28 days later? Well, I don't know about you, but I could barely stomach this game for 28 seconds), the insulting amount of detail that went into the animation of Leon's head being sawed off, and the hair-ripping scripted scenes that must be followed exactly, lest you want Leon to suffer death at the face of more obvious solutions."

I partly made the thread to vent like the dude who made the review, and to warn ppl -_- unless u have a gamecube then get it ur not gonna get anything better.
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