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Old 06-23-07, 08:35 PM   #3
Posts: 6,909
From: Chicago, IL

"The most land mark new achievement is that the player is now able to buy and sell weapons and ammunition. And enemies drop said items as well. The way in which this is handled however really detracts from the immersion. You usually get “cash” for besting enemies. When said cash is dropped a shining spot appear on the ground indicating as such (the same with ammunition and items). It's a bizarre stylistic choice since it creates a parody in of itself. You have a serious government agent being chased by rabid killer villagers yet the game treats it all like a fun romp through an amusement park shooting gallery. “See how many you can kill! Score points with every shot! Just 2000 more points Jimmy and you'll get that new shiny gun yet.” There's even a mini-game where you shoot cardboard cut-outs of the villagers. High scores net the player bottle caps. The game has becomes a parody of the intense and frightening survival horror genre instead of adding to the genre it, ironically, once created.

Speaking of horror, this game is not scary."<<<<<<<<<<<< killed my soul
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