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Old 06-26-07, 05:15 PM   #9
Feeble Minded
Light Weight
Posts: 226

Gods perfection and omniscience is a completely different discussion. Like I explained, you are applying YOUR ideals of what perfection is. However, your ideals of what perfection is are inherently flawed, because you are human. Its ironic that a human would attempt to judge what God would consider "perfect" or "pure" in terms of his own idea of those words. Perfection as we know it is an impossibility. Perfection is comparative (to us) and therefore, impossible. If perfection were achieved, we'd have nothing to compare it too, and be confused and lost, which is the normal human condition anyhow. If God exists, I imagine there is something perfect out there, but I don't have the slightest idea what this would be like, and neither do you. You can mock that reality if you wish by talking about a bumbling old man, but chances are, most bumbling old men have a better idea of perfection than most youngsters who think they have seen it all.

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