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Old 07-03-07, 01:20 PM   #9
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Just get money another way... You still have a while before any games come out on the PS3. By games, I mean games that aren't boring. There's only one game out right now, and it's resistance: fall of man. It isn't even that great. You'll just be spending more money on shit games. You should wait until later on like all the other sane people.

And by the way, if it makes you feel any better, there is a little kid who is like 9 years old or something, he goes to my gf's little sister's school. He has a PS3 and like 8 games. And he is a mean, spoiled, fat kid that doesn't appreciate his life or his belongings at all since his parents get him everything he wants. He also has a Wii, a PSP, a 360, a PS2, and Xbox and a DS... And a good PC. And he is of german descent or something.

So if you're ever feeling down about something like this, just think of that little kid, playing some stupid movie-to-game like shrek or fantastic 4 or some shit while drinking juice and eating sweets. Yeah, you bet his controllers are sticky and not well looked after.

Happy to help.

... *runs*
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