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Old 07-03-07, 04:45 PM   #10
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

That's...three people.

People in Jesus' day called him, that doesn't phase me.

You're dumb as fuck. First off, you just compared yourself to JESUS. Second, your philosophies are obviously different and the situation is completely different. And you're using the 'you know everyone in the world by four people' rule to act like you're inspiring everyone. "Oh, I gave feedback on Triple N's song, and he in turn spoke about rap with a man on the street, who ending up selling his GameStation to 50 Cent, so, I influenced 50 Cent'.

Look, Q.

You being dissed on a rap site because you're stupid is NOT equal in ANY WAY to the man you believe is the son of God being called the source of all evil in the world when he's trying to deliver them from an eternity of pain. It's like me going to sleep in math class, failing, and saying "Well, Einstein failed math class!", but thousands of times worse.

Fuck off.
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