Thread: Shiest vs K-M
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Old 07-11-07, 12:25 PM   #8
Human Crack in The Flesh.
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Posts: 840
From: Tower City

20 lines a god? I haven't written that much since my beefing days... ill just keystyle something here.

Chea! Chea! Chea! man...are you kidding me
You must feel pretty bad..., think you could lay a hand, to be hitting me
So give me that give me that coke
Put it in little a bag and i'll stuff it down your throat
shit it out here...boy, please do what your told
and thats the recipe: how to get a brick up out a joke
I'll ghost write for you and let yourself rip out up me
that's the only way you'll succeed in a battle so bluntly
Raping you with lyrics and pedo bars, i'm such a pervert
that's also how your girl took her time.. to measure ur worth
Your still writing with the "//" and i use those for chopsticks
For When I'm eating KM's food, yet the taste wasn't noxious
And I see your- that your poor-still sore, Fuck I dont curr
So Heed Lords... Report to me Whore, with the Detours
Of the Street Course, Of your the Block that I will Distort
With resources i conducted on this wee boy...
... face the fact is I created you...think of me as your igor.
^it doesn't matter now what I do up in this scene
you wanted twenty lines, well i ripped you in sixteen
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