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Old 07-13-07, 07:43 PM   #6
Posts: 5,615

Originally Posted by SerB
can be on this site as much at is.

I have NO time to be on this site, and im still young.

Like i don't even have a job yet but i'm getting one. and still i have no time anymore to go on these sites.

but some of you are like 22 + and still on this site. how do you do this?

Oh, but if you were OVER 17 and UNDERSTOOD that full grown adults with jobs and their own place actually have quite a bit of time on their hands.

Being socially unfit doesn't only exist for children, you know, if an adult doesn't WANT to go out and meet people for whatever reason, he/she can sit at home with 128 hours on their hands. (40 hour a week jobs), and, even though the national standard of sleep is 7 Hours A Night, If they slept 8 hour nights they'd have 72 hours on their hands... At home. Doing nothing but eating/Chilling.

Now let's understand that a lot of adults on internet websites probably do not have 40 hour a week jobs, and some older teenagers do. Does having a job even fucking matter?

We're all here for the same purpose, To annoy and bug the shit out of eachother in this fest pool of entertainment and news updates called the internet. Whether or not we're on RV, we're on the internet. This will be proven no matter how you wanna state it, it's not like leaving RV means "Well I guess I'll unplug my internet now..."

Rofl.. basically anyone insulting another person for being on the internet makes the sayer either a complete moron, or Amish. (even some amish have it though. )

No though, disregard the whole few paragraphs above and take note to how I wake up every morning, sign onto the internet, then, suddenly since I'm on a rapsite, it makes it OKAY for me to go "Haha dude ur a fag for being on the net. Signz off G before I make you feel like more of a grown loserrrzz lawl"

Common Adult Response: "This is not a t.v. Monitor. Why are you on the internet?"
Common Childish Response: "I don't have friends bitch."
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