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Old 07-14-07, 06:29 PM   #25
Posts: 6,909
From: Chicago, IL

Again, since I'm one of only 3(max) black people who will actually respond to this thread with something smart to say(not some ayo homie yu white folk be tryna act like us bullshit), I have to continue. ARE ALL OF YOU FUCKIN BLIND?! Are you seriously so acustomed to the racist shit white ppl do that you actually think black racism outnumbers it? Jesus christ.


Oh and yea, black ppl get a shitload of heat when trying to do metal. And if u havent heard songs like guilty of being white or one in a million, I'm gonna have to say that rock pretty much does more than enough to represent the racist equivilant of rap. Despite the fact that Rock is rooted in black culture, but whatever,=/
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