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Old 07-15-07, 11:40 AM   #28
Posts: 6,178

fux slap yourself and think about what you said

the joke about this original post is that he thinks that just because coincidentally the people in this thread may not have told a black person that they can't do things because they aint white he 's acting like it doesn't my walk of life i've experienced white people indirectly conveying that i ain't capable of doing some things they can...whether they realise it or not sometimes their approach when it comes to dealing with other races makes us feel like they are tryna treat us like we're inferior....

maybe some of you aren't racist but do not fuckin insult me like it don't happen when i've been on the shitty end of the racial stick through insults covert and blatant, having to physically fight cos racist whites wanna start shit and take it to those levels, i've even been spat at from moving vehicles on a couple occassions by white people yelling out shit like "black bastard" "nigger" and shit like that....

racism occurs across the also ties into a class thing too quite a few white people i have come across act like they are above blacks, from actions right down to the patronizing tone they take...

i don't condone racism at all cos you cut ay one of us and blood drips out, we all the same at the core...
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