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Old 07-15-07, 08:08 PM   #13
Blay'all's Avatar
Posts: 8,581
From: North Carolina

lmao @ saying "i dont know why people have such of a strong opinion about Wayne... then typing THIS:
Originally Posted by TeamOne
im sorry Soc... he's not an artist... u have to have concepts.... u have to have lines that i dont throw away everyday.... and yea, he does miss horribly 10% of the time, and 60% of the time its like "eh" and then the other 30% hit good.... that doesnt make an artist.... he fuckin just throws everythin at the wall and hopes somethin sticks.... why do u think all u do is see him go on a REMIX and do a "freestyle" or u see him do a collabo and have only one verse.... cuz he cant carry a whole song with that style... he goes off track way too much..

and ur comparison with Jay-Z isnt 1. as blatant and 2. as comparable because songs are suppose to have consistency.... ur not suppose to do random shit

and trust me, i went thru my lil wayne phase and it died FAST cuz i realize he does the same shit... his style is so predictable and easily replicated.... one of my boys did his own lil wayne verse... a 4 minute freestyle (even does the voice) and honestly, if u hadnt told people it wasnt wayne, they woulda been laughin cuz it was an "ill" wayne verse instead of laughin because of how well he mocked him....

shit, i remember that someone else (i think it was apexx) linked everyone in LL to a different person fakin a lil wayne verse...... and i SAW comments in the thread of people who hadnt read first that it was a FAKE... and i saw NUMEROUS comments where people were like "this shit was ill" and even a few people who were sayin THIS was the reason he was the greatest rapper alive

smh.... i really dont respect his style... DID IT BEFORE... have u heard DID IT BEFORE.... its a kind of cool concept for about THIRTY SECONDS and then gets way too annoying and repetitive, and actually repeats the same meaning behind the "did it before"s
"Motherfuck a struggle, lets dance in the rain"

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