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Old 07-16-07, 12:21 PM   #158
Banned: Cheating
Clova's Avatar
Posts: 167

Ha Ha
funny u should bring up lil wayne
he aint even hard,
hes been in the game since he was 8 u fuckin retard!
hes alwayz got payed no matter wat and got his ritches,
he dont need his pussy saying money over bitches,
hes already rich as fuck,
so dont listed to wat he says,
thats why ur rhymes are tired and at the worst dead,
how aree u gunna jump from eminem to lil wayne,
let me guess the next name u throw out will be the game,
like i said ur drownin u dont got shit to say,
u cum bak wit a bunch of wack shit to say,
like that wack stuff u pull when ur tryin to be gay,
this is gettin so easy like u said its like cake,
except i alwayz got shit to say against niggas that are fake,
so like i said u've beeen called out twice,
against sin-cere and now me so its time to roll the dice,
so u can gamble ur life, but dont trip on it
jus take wat we gotta say kick bak and jus sit,
maybe a year from now you'll be sayin my name in a song,
talkin bought, like clova said im a bitcch and dead wrong,
so dont start wit me jus study my shit,
so u can learn how to say shit and basically spit,
i can tell u try to beat me wit jus a few lines,
but how can that work when its already my time to shine,
i dont think u got wat it takes to be on the spot,
cuz as soon as u get dissed bak,
u act like ur gettin shot,
so haha laugh at that cuz its funny,
so set up a battle so i can hop around u like a mutha fuckin bunny,
and u can crawl into a corner and cry,
when my final rhymes comes in,
it will make u commit lifes end suicide!
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