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Old 07-20-07, 10:12 PM   #11
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Originally Posted by Big Picture
cuz gettin five to ten for havin possession of drugs is crazy and aint fair. its that whole lame ass war on drugs thang thats got alot of blacks in jail, and whose makin that law and who's gettin affected by it, think bout that and why it is the way it is.

LMFAO, who the shit cares if you think the sentence is unfair? Is carrying and selling drugs against the law or not? Who the fuck doesn't know that it is? I have no sympathy for people who are in jail on drug charges, regardless of race, gender, etc. Who cares who's making the law? It's still a law and if you want to take your chances by breaking it, then you can kiss my ass when you get locked up for it.
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