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Old 07-22-07, 02:59 AM   #22
I have a lot to learn...
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From: Life.

Originally Posted by Big Picture
werd, but how some people living are in hell right now; the opposite is that some people are in heaven. we just are to disrespectful and ignorant to allow everyone to live in heaven here on earth. i absolutely think heaven could be on earth. and werd that whole tree into a table thing makes more sense to answer the whole war and homosexual thing. because its peoples will that makes them do the things they do and thats always speculation, but if everyone respected each others speculations everyone would be living their own heaven on earth.

That's the thing, it's all up to the person. You can't force people to be in heaven, they have to do it for themselves. You can point them in the right direction though. And if a person is in heaven, that person is still in the universe and is not separate from the universe. Their existence affects the world and the people around them in a good way.
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