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Old 07-28-07, 11:46 PM   #39
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

God created man in his image and created Woman to keep him company, but the study of birth shows us that everybody is a female when they are a fetus, until their gender is decided by genetics and they grow a penis?

What in the fuck are you even talking about here? Everyone is a female when they are a fetus? Are you retarded? Do you not know what a fetus is? A fetus is a baby prototype in the womb that already has genetics. Ever heard of chromosones? XY, XX?. Do you know what 'female' means? You do know the only time a penis comes out of a vagina during the process of making baby is after sex, right?

Anyway, no. God is not everything. Everything is not god. Everything in the universe is not one thing. This belief comes from pounding it into your brain so long that it seems to be true. Oh shit, everything is made out of atoms! That means everything is the same! And every atom has quarks in it! We're all just a bunch of quarks! Oh, and there's a huge amount of empty space in atoms, that means most of the physical things in the universe are mostly empty space.

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