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Old 07-30-07, 12:54 AM   #47
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

Man, 2v, how stupid are you? One, the second paragraph wasn't directed at you, so be quiet and stop putting words in my mouth, kthxbai--oh, by the way, String Theory is nothing more than a theory, and not in the sense that gravity or evolution are theories. And oh shit, I misspelt chromosomes at 3:23 AM, my entire argument is invalid!

From the very site you linked me to:

Myth 5: "The immediate product of fertilization is just an 'it' — it is neither a girl nor a boy."

Fact 5: The immediate product of fertilization is genetically already a girl or a boy — determined by the kind of sperm that fertilizes the oocyte. Quoting Carlson again:

"...[T]he sex of the future embryo is determined by the chromosomal complement of the spermatozoon. (If the sperm contains 22 autosomes and 2 X chromosomes, the embryo will be a genetic female, and if it contains 22 autosomes and an X and a Y chromosome, the embryo will be a genetic male.)"16

Dumbshit. The entire thing even contradicts you---you linked me to a fucking anti-abortion paper arguing that embryos are already existing humans that only need to develop to fill in the mold they're already poured into. Look:

After fertilization the single-cell human embryo doesn't become another kind of thing. It simply divides and grows bigger and bigger, developing through several stages as an embryo over an 8-week period.

Did you expect that I would see it was a paper by a Ph.D. supposedly supporting you and be intimidated? Next time, actually read your sources. Oh, and do it before you tell the person you're giving it to reread it until it's imprinted in their brain, because you just might look like a fucking illiterate retard who couldn't tell his vagina from a black hole. So why don't you get working on version three of yourself instead of proclaiming to the heavens your intricate knowledge of things like String Theory. I'm surprised you haven't changed your name to Hawking Jr.---not because a comparison between two intelligences, but the Lou Gehrig's Syndrome that makes you bang your head into the keyboard and hit 'Post Reply' by accident.
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