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Old 07-31-07, 03:33 AM   #22
In-Vision's Avatar
Posts: 2,011
From: memphis

That is what it feels like.

And about the she can only be so happy for so long... I know there is absolutely nothing I can possibly do to make her happy forever, only she can make herself happy forever. So what am I doing by giving her short, shallow happiness? I'm just keeping her further away from seeing long-lasting happiness. She concentrates on avoiding non-happiness and obtaining happiness like a drug addict avoids sobriety and seeks to obtain their next hit. It's unhealthy, I can see it's unhealthy. It's an unfortunate way to live. What I would like to happen is for her to want to find her own contentment.

It is completely possible to shatter a lifetimes worth of conditioning, I've seen it happen in numerous people.[/QUOTE]

She can't make herself happy forever though. Because she doesn't have forever. She has untill she dies. And by giving her short shallow happiness, you are doing nothing but encouraging shallow happiness. But what I was saying was, it might not be as shallow as it appears. In the grand scheme of things it is, but it's instinctive. It is a happiness that is symbolic of her true natural instincts...because society has successfuly changed the values of symbolism, time and time again.

The idea is to not work within the system because you have no other choice. The idea is to work within the system because you are the only person that can change what it represents to you. You have to be able to see these shallow acts of kindness, as an opportunity to express the depth of the action. And if you see it just a shallow act, than that's what It is. We are too advanced to not pick up on eachothers sub-concious. No we cannot read the sub-concious conciously, but the sub-concious of one, is capable of atleast collaberating with the sub-concious of another.
So if you can can change what was once a shallow act, into an act with a greater purpose than just making her temporarily happy, I wouldn't be suprised if became apparent to her, that your actions are realistically meaningless, and that in itself is an example of love. and it's possible that's all she wants to see.

I could be wrong as well, I'm just presenting ideas.

In the situation you explained, I think it is appropriate to say that those you are trying to help, you are not trying to help at your own expense. Instead of standing on your raft, telling them how to swim, or where to swim, or to grab onto the raft. It would probably be more effective to jump in the water yourself, to show them how to swim, where to swim, and how to grab onto the raft.

You want her to be completely content, but by wanting that, you are making yourself it's very possible she doesn't know how. And being as how you obviously cannot teach her to be completely content by speaking to her, you would probably be more successful to show her what it is to be content in the first place.

Oh, and i don't believe you've seen other people shatter the conditioning of others.

I don't feel that's possible. Breaking a life long conditioning HAS to come from within the individual. Because the whole conditioning is based off of conforming to others.

Thats what I was saying.

It's like the old ass saying everyones heard. You can guide a horse to water. But you can't make it drink.

You can educate her on the idea of different perspectives, but for he to truly adopt it. She is the only that can have part in that.
Seek & Destroy
We have fun in my basement

Time is not long, and indecision is hells cemment. So the well is rented, untill heaven is relevant. Untill then, to be eloquent, sex cells, so le'ts cellibate.

"watch what you keeps feedin' us toxin's..stop sleepin' start thinkin outside of the box and unplug from the matrix doctrine....but watch what you say cause big brother is watchin" - nas - sly fox

The I.H.C.J.S.F.M.T.R.H.P.M.M.W.T.S.M.S.I.T.F.F.W.A.S. O Crew
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