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Old 08-01-07, 02:37 AM   #4
Whys That?
Posts: 2,007

NZ nearly decriminalised weed. The diffrence between legalising it and decriminalising it, is the simple fact of money.
Decriminalised they can limit the amount of weed you can have for personal use on you at a time, anymore than that and they can fine you. Legalised weed means you can have your car fulled with weed to the point of its falling out your windows onto the road, and the most they can charge you with is unsafe driving.
Illegal weed they cant fine you (not here anyway) but you can be criminally charged (jail or community work)
End a the day, a smart government will decriminalise it, so we can get high and they can make a bit of coin.
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