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Old 08-03-07, 07:48 PM   #4
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Originally Posted by Tha .Q
I forgot to be specific...verse 17

But I have to go

and 1 cor...the LOVE chapter...

bro...all ur doin is proving that I know the bible more than u...this is boring...See, differnece is, when I sign off, I acknowledge God.

When u sign off, u call ur girlfriend and go fornicate.

Stop judging me.



I have already accepted Hell for all of the horrible things I've done in my lifetime. I have no problem with being lower than you in the eyes of the Lord, since it's obvious that I am completely and utterly unworthy. I wasn't judging you, I was trying to show you some things, not with my own words, but with the words of God. Do you ignore the words of God if they come out of the mouth of a man?

You might know more about the bible than I do, but I'm doing my best to throw the words of God that reach me in the depths of Hell up to you, so that you don't fall in by accident. What's the use in condemning a condemned man?

Let me ask you, where is your hand, brother? Why do you step on my fingers and kick me off the edge of salvation instead of reaching down and helping me up?
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