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Old 08-15-07, 09:48 PM   #9
= )
Posts: 1,304
From: New York

Originally Posted by Enygma
I think you're wasting your breath on here man. Notice how no one is really responding. Most people on here only listen to the people they listen to because they were told it was cool. It's now cool to say that hip hop is dead and all this mainstream shit is bogus, but when it comes down to it, these are the same cats buying the Young Joc albums and shit like that. I doubt most people on here even know what real hip hop is anymore man.

I listen to music out of my own taste and reasoning, Kanye because i love his beats and his arrogance is entertaining, SP the phantom because he has the hardest bars out, and he really does, and has done the shit he says, pretty much goes the same for anyone in D-Block (maybe not J-hood), but to many bitches listen to the pop rap bullshit, 50 bars of nothing and some queer hook, na man, gimmi that HARD shit, i wanna hear people who are hungry, not people who are just trying to catch a meal ticket, feel me?

50 Got dope beats but shitty bars, everyone jumps on this dudes jock, hop off if you love hip hop

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