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Old 08-23-07, 07:16 PM   #11
Light Weight
Posts: 246
From: Baltimore,MD

Voted For: Blisss

first off lemme start off by saying i actually enjoyed this it seemed kinda personal

fame i liked your structure alot it made me really pay attention to every line, but the downside was you weren't really hittin as hard as you could of you multied your way out of a couple of those with no effective punches mainly the lqueer line and the dame dash line they where too weak for how you had the rhyme laid out but other than those i liked your shit

bliss your rhyme was tight the flow was a lil choppy but the punches where vicious my favorite was the cancer patient line thats what did it for me that was ruthless and the line where you quoted was kinda ill too those two where the punches that set your verse aside from fame i wouldn't mind seein a part two

think about it