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Old 08-24-07, 07:15 AM   #21
= )
Posts: 1,304
From: New York

Originally Posted by 2v
I was saying my hallucinations were on the low, in other words, I was getting very little of them.

You responded with "No they aren't, If you have a wide mind you'll see some crazy shit"

in which I responded and told you to shut the fuck up. and yes, you did diss me. So, when I'm talking about how I'm having very little hallucinations, and you're saying it's because my mind is too narrow, not wide enough, you expect me to respond in a nice way?

Fuck you faggot.

^- Na, hes right to a certain point, its all on the person in the sense of, if you think about scary shit, your fucked, but if you just think of chillin its great, i remember lookin at the window, and i had blue painters tape around the edges, and i just remember seeing the blue fade off the window, it was great, but dont think of bad shit, my brother did once and my mom had to pick him up on the appalacian trail shroomed out and scared shitless, quality

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