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Old 09-02-07, 07:13 PM   #18
Banned: Biting
Posts: 1,289

it aint about me making it big?
this aint my life...
i have a job and this aint it this is what i do for fun when i have extra time in my hand or when im bored or something....
so im gonna keep it the same way with or without text or audio or freestyling because in all of those catagorys i do it for fun.............. so to see what i can do with people who have those records u cant really believe I step up and see what is this record and all this i've been hearing about you..... whats good.... lets battle.... do what you do im gonna do what i do but at the end..... it aint about me making it on hot 97 or any music video or mixtape or anything this is what i do for fun... cuz its what i love to do... like basketball... its just a game....

thats why i cant figuer out why people would aviod battling....... when this is just for fun... no record deals... no p.diddy reading these battles... no noting its just for fun and bullshit you know...

so why act like it serious and this is u'r life?
lets make it intresting and make a show for R.V.... lets do the danm thing.... i mean since people always talking...there aint much activity going on.... lets do something about it so people can talk and get more active you feel me....

So at the end of the day..... u still gonna be you... and im gonna be me... aint shit life treating or career making so whats good???
you gonna battle or nah....
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