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Old 09-03-07, 08:27 PM   #11
= )
Posts: 1,304
From: New York

Just from the tracks ive heard, I get money was 50's only good song, and the beat made it

Compare 'Champion' to "I Get Money"
Compare 'Bitter Sweet' to "Amusement park"
Compare 'Good Life' to "I still kill"

Rofl, thats not even a fair comparison

Although i am a little biased, ive disliked 50 since he tried to come at Styles P, and now 50's little beef stint with anyone who he can is pissing me off, sell records off the music, not the bullshit buzz hes trying to make by dissin everyones favorite rappers, its pathetic, 50 is a sell out in every aspect, yeah I'd want the money to but shit, 50 is just a gimmick, Kanye is in certain ways to but he doesnt go around trying to jock everyone who is doing good

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