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Old 09-05-07, 06:41 PM   #23
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

The stupidest conspiracies of all are the one's verified on the news.

So's a lot of shit. I'd hardly say it's 'verified'.

This whole shit about the relation to the Bible and the end of the world is stretched to shit. Shit shit shittidy shit. Oh no! Factual basis for other countries mixing into America, which will throw out its old consitution in favor of a communist one, and the creation of the 'Amero'...some fat guy who began his statement by saying 'not to sound like a conspiracy theorist', because he knew it sounded retarded.

People like you believe the Illuminati exists because these super-secret organization bent on world domination felt the need to leave clues like the points on the Pentagon for no real reason besides people on the internet finding them and exposing their evil.
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