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Old 09-14-07, 02:30 AM   #58
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

You haven't heard anybody in real life say it was bad because you surround yourself with people who have a similar mindset to you. 50 cent is a decent artist at best. He was never extraordinary. Even back in his golden "how to rob" days he wasn't that great. Eminem was dope, and still his. He still has that potential, but it's obvious to anybody with half a brain that he is a good business man and is trying to make a living. He makes tracks based on what sells, and I don't blame him.

The difference between someone like eminem and someone like 50 is that while eminem has potential for greatness and is adapting to the industry to make money, 50 cent was never really that great, then he adapted to the industry to make money.

Popular music is generally not of a very high standard, and is kept afloat by money and demand that is created by the industry. People like what is popular, the industry chooses what's popular, then the people like it so the industry churns out more of the same. Once people are getting bored, the industry will try a different approach.

Just because an album sells over a million copies in the first week after its release, doesn't mean the album is actually any good. It just means that it was marketed well.

I would agree with you if you were saying something like get rich or die tryin is in the top 10 mainstream rap albums of the year it was released in... but spurting out bullshit like it's in the top 5 hip hop albums of all time is just completely wrong. Of all time? That includes every underground hip hop and mainstream hip hop album that was released since like the 70s.

There is no way a semi-mediocre artist like 50 cent is in the top 5. Or even the top 500.

Originally Posted by SerB
ur a emo. ur prolly putting scream rock before hiphop so u dont count.

I didn't know what I was, but thanks man, now I know for sure because some kid with terrible taste in music decided that I was an emo who liked screaming rock music.
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